BGM : Yiruma - Time Forgets
Mood : Gloomy
What is failure? What is bullshit? I don't know. I wrote that 3 months ago yet I failed. I did something that wasn't me yesterday. Wandered around, waited for, and being left in the crowdiness. Alone. Three things I hate the most. Well, I loathe alone itself.
The plan was going to GBK, meet my friend, buy ticket with cheap prices, watch SHINee. Happy. The End. I think fate likes to kid with me. Too much people asked me 'Are you going to watch Mubank?' and I was 75% sure gonna watch it, fate turned me upside down.
Apparently, I'm still in terrible mental breakdown. Because it already happened twice. You'd say that I'm drama queen or else. But it hurt being so close yet so far again. It hurt that my lungs couldn't even catch an air, it hurt that my chest felt like being held to tight, it hurt that I felt some hot tears tried to escape my eyes. Idk that I was upset or mad. It just hurt. So, I try to shut myself off. I don't want to talk with anyone. No, not yet.
Being alone for 10 hours made me think a lot of things. And for the late wishes. I got it guys. Nothing as coincidental as the late wishes. I have this late fetish. Thing like "Name: Ranti Hobby: Late". You tried to tell me that being lated (?) are uncomfortable, right? I got it. Thank you.
I write this not to offense anyone. Already took the blame on myself for being scared all alone.
Time forgets, as we through them, memories remain.
Me, Ranti, sign out.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
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