Friday, May 21, 2010


Repost from my seniors' blog and some edit. I love this post so much.

I love your scent.
I love looking at your serious face.
I love looking at you, though I'm too shy to look into your eyes when you're looking at mine.
I love walking beside you.
I love the way you hold me, as if you're assuring that everything's gonna be okay.
I love the way you care about me.
I love to see you upset and look at me angrily when I don't listen to you.
I love the way you kiss my hair.
I love to hear you giggle right to my ear.
I love to feel your breath brushing my cheeks.
I love the way you make me miss you.
I love the way you make me feel when we're apart, the way it drives me mad and all that.
I love the way you give me goosebumps when I look at you, because you're just adorable.
I love that no matter how upset I get, I still miss you.
I love it when you talk to me, gently.
I love how you're just not good with words, but everytime we're near, I feel so calm.
I love how you make me dream of sensible things, knowing they will come true.
I love how this is all started so fast, the awkwardness, and stuff, they are new to me.
I love every little thing you do.
I love every experience we've been through.
I love how I can't help to write this although you're being annoying.
I'd love to spend forever with you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you, the way you are.
I love you, with all your flaws.
I love you, for everything you've said and done.
I love you even we've never met before.
And really, I do love you.

Ada beberapa sih yang ga sesuai dengan kenyataan. Contohnya: I love your scent. Gimana gue bisa suka kalo gue aja ga pernah ketemu ya kan hehe jadi yang sesuai ama gue, yaaa gue bold aja ya. Wish you love that too :) dan yang ga di bold jadi di bold. Someday........

우리는 하나

Dulu gue sempet pingin nulis tentang c’moi untuk dimasukin ke blog, tapi nyatanya ga selesai-selesai. Postingan ini terakhir ditulis tahun ...