Thursday, May 10, 2012

hidden passion?

Akhir-akhir ini hasrat memasak gue lagi berkoar-koar. Apalagi sebelumnya gue sama temen-temen gue abis bikin cupcake buat ulang tahun Tania.

Ini dia hasilnyaaaaaa~

Seperti kata Ghina waktu ngepo admin mblaq, "Google tau segalanya". Makanya gue jadi sering menjelajah google buat nyari resep-resep. Dan Cozy Cupcakes ini lumayan bikin drooling. Apalagi kalo mampir ke Titan Baking whoaaaaa rasanya mental ahjumma gue ga bisa diboongin. Sayangnya, I'm running out of money now. Jadi, ada yang berbaik hati kah menyumbang sesuatu ke gue? Mau tepung terigu, choco chips, PEWARNA MAKANAN (soalnya di titan pewarna yang bagus mahal banget), atau apa pun selain cinta gue terima eeeee

Yak, segitu aja. Gue bener-bener berharap besok bangun tidur ada paket full bikin kue. 뿅!!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

himdeurojyo pogihago ssipeulddae

And for myself... I'm still lost.
I feel like a piece of meat walking without any goal or even dream. It's all been taken away from me a month ago. I kept asking myself "ah.. how should I do? should I give up now and do nothing? ahhh.. seriously..."

And then here I am, so lost... because I've given up 3 of my 4 resolutions. I won't (sighing deeply) go to any college this year (again), I didn't teach my little brother for his national exams, and I.. ugh about River Flows in You, there is no way I will be able to play it since my left brain doesn't work properly.

a/n: when wrote this, I was listening "Always Love" by Shinee, there's a line "Thank you for your cheering me".  Suddenly, I remember Irma's couraging words that day. 고마워~

우리는 하나

Dulu gue sempet pingin nulis tentang c’moi untuk dimasukin ke blog, tapi nyatanya ga selesai-selesai. Postingan ini terakhir ditulis tahun ...