Sunday, June 17, 2012

Apple in her eyes

Dua adik gue, Bimo dan Audrey, akhirnya dinyatakan..... LULUS!!! Yeahhh.. lucunya waktu nunggu pengumuman Bimo, kita semua atau lebih tepatnya gue deg-degan dia bakal lulus ga ya sedangkan waktu nunggu pengumuman Audrey kita deg-degan nilai Audrey tinggi ya. And in the end, ironically, Audrey's final score is higher than Bimo's....

Waktu pengumuman Audrey itu orangtua disuruh dateng ke sekolah. Ibu gue akhirnya nemenin Audrey buat denger pengumuman nilai dari gurunya Audrey. There.. they're both crying in happiness because Audrey's got the best score!!!! I wish I could be the one who made her cried in happiness, someday.

But still, Bimo and Audrey are the apple in my parents eyes. Congrats!!!

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