Saturday, September 15, 2012

the A to the O

Finally.. gue berhasil mengumpulkan butir-butir semangat buat nulis Blood Type a.k.a Golongan Darah. As it's written on my twitter bio above, golongan darah gue A dan gue termasuk yang pendiem, pemalu, dan intovert. Waktu itu gue pernah nonton Running Man episode SNSD, ditanyain golongan darah mereka apa, Seohyun jawab A, Jaesuk langsung bilang "Aaah.. quiet type."
Tapi ga semua A itu quiet loh. Ada A type yang kepribadiannya hampir mirip sama O type. Cheerful, humble, easy going. Contohnya tante-tante gue. Contoh lainnya laki gue  Chanyeol. Tipe-tipe ini yang kadang kalo lagi jalan bareng pingin rasanya bilang "gue ga kenal dia". Tapi gapapa, aku tetap cinta <3 p="p">Di We Got Married pernah ada couple yang dua-duanya A type, Seohyun & Yonghwa. I know one thing for sure about A type, they like to have something special rather than something usual. Sesuatu yang berarti dan bermakna, sesuatu yang lo kerjain pake hati. Misalnya bikin scarf ngerajut sendiri, bikin scrapbook, bahkan ngasih kado ulang tahun tanah buat tanam sweet potato. Iseng emang yet sweet.
Then again, I don't understand relativity between A type to A type. I've never met A type around my age beside my family. Actually I have one, but I'm not sure he's real or not. So, let's pretend that I've never met one, kay? What confuse me is.... I had sudden interest with someone (my biases) then it turned out that he's an A type and I was like "Another A type again?" kkk

A blood type and personality observer? Yes. Blood type sama personality itu ada hubungannya loh. Di jepang, golongan darah bisa memengaruhi lo kerja di bagian apa. Makanya gue sekarang lagi seneng banget merhatiin kelakuan orang dan nebak golongan darah mereka apa. Seru aja gitu. Gue pribadi kadang susah ngebedain antara O sama B. Mereka sama-sama humble, tapi begitu orang yang gue ragukan golongan darahnya udah mengeluarkan full of themselves nya atau having art skill di atas rata-rata, gue langsung "Oh, B.."
B type itu kayak kaset radio, punya side A dan side B. Bukan, bukan mereka berkepribadian ganda tapi ada dua jenis orang bergolongan darah B, menurut gue. Side A, the one who you want to keep by your side as friend, who can turn your mood up. Meanwhile side B, the one is too loud for my liking, the one that i want to throw with pillow and say "pfft.. i had enough." Sebenernya ini gue lagi curhat.

The A to the O. Gue pernah dikasih film sama Tatia judulnya Methods for Women to Get Married. Iya, Tatia emang tua. Hahaha. Awalnya gue juga gatau kalo itu film untuk urusan nikah-nikahan. Tatia cuma bilang itu film tentang golongan darah. Well, since it's about marriage, there must be a partner for one blood type, ryte? Di film itu ada ceritanya dibagi 4, ya masing-masing golongan darah gitu deh. Nah, A type suits O the best and vice versa. Yang cowok golongan darah O... sini merapat.
Buat gue sendiri, entah ini faktor most of my big family are O and A or anything else, O type mostly someone who understand me without saying anything, who i feel secure with, who i can trust with all of my heart, who i can find comfort in.

Out of topic, minggu depan SM Town di jakarta lohhhh. Dan gue masih galau semenjak bulan lalu antara nonton atau nggak. Ada aja loh hambatannya. First, my mom used my money /sighs/. Second, 22nd September should be my day off work, but no, it's not going to be my day off because on 20th is government election. shit i almost had typo on writing election Third, my sister OBVIOUSLY oppose this. Last night she asked whether I'm going to watch it or not and how much its price. Then she tweeted "....dan tentang harta. darimana itu diperoleh dan untuk apa?". Terus gue mesti apa?

Seandainya pacaran seindah "Sayang, kamu sayang sama aku ga? Kalo sayang beliin aku tiket konser smtown dong..."

ps. still not sure with present and past tense. hiks.. my english skill is gross /sobs/


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