Heeem i feel so tired. I've plan that i wont sleep until wednesday. Do you think i crazy? Yes i almost crazy. I havent finished my homework yet. I didnt do the exams too. Oh how poor poor meeeee!
FYI, In this blog i'll use english language for enrich my vocab. I don't know where i got the inspiration. I wrote a lyric. Check this one out:
Walked through our days
all the days that we spent together
when you being childish person
you did it well
and it was driving me insane
you know it well, too
but you still, never ever change
then i know, you a selfish person
Let's grow up our minds
me and you
try to be good enough for each other
Let's grow up our hearts
me and you
be ourself and feel it more and more
month of month has past
soon i know
i should do something for you
until you understand what really happen
until you regret what have you done
until you change be someone better
and i decide
i break your heart and go away
back to *
You think what I did was wrong
but i know better than you
it was the right way
so i say
thank you, sorry, and goodbye
back to *
p.s. When i wrote this lyric, i remember my ex. I try to be him. What actually his feels. I think that almost right. I want to be a pianist then i play this song completely :D cheers...
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